Strategic evaluation and control is the last phase of strategic management process which provides a substantial amount of information and experience to CEOs/Strategists that can be helpful for new strategic planning. Strategic evaluation and control helps to keep a check on the validity of strategic choice. It also helps to assess whether the decisions match the intended strategy requirements. Strategic evaluation and control is becoming increasingly difficult in the changing environment due to many reasons. The paper covers the concept and barriers of strategic evaluation and control, role of organization system in strategic evaluation and control and techniques used in strategic evaluation and control by the selected units. Introduction: It is generally believed that strategic management should be treated as an imperative area for top management in the contemporary fast changing, complex and turbulent environment Strategic management is considered as either decision making and planning, or a set of activities related to the formulation and implementation of strategies to achieve organizational objectives. In strategic management the emphasis is on those general management responsibilities which are essential to relate the organization to the environment in such a way that its objectives may be achieved. Strategic management has been given relevance in Indian organization only after liberalization, privatization and globalization phases. Strategic evaluation and control include evaluation of the appropriateness of the objectives and the strategies, as well as subsequent control of performance in accord with plan. Strategic evaluation and control is the last phase of strategic management process which provides a substantial amount of information and experience to CEOs/Strategists that can be helpful for new strategic planning. Strategic evaluation and control helps to keep a check on the validity of strategic choice. An ongoing process of evaluation would, in fact provide feedback on the continued relevance of the strategic choice made during the formulation phase. This is due to the efficacy of strategic evaluation to determine the effectiveness of strategy. It also helps to assess whether the decisions match the intended strategy requirements. This is due to the inherent nature of any administrative system, which leaves some amount of discretion in the hands of managers. In the absence of such evaluation, managers would not explicitly know how to exercise such discretion.